
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Welcome to Texas

I picked up and left Mississippi.  I am now residing in Corsicana, Texas.

I didn't break down and cry at the thought of being so far from my family.  Not yet anyway.  I'm seeing pictures of my godkids on Facebook and I miss those little boogers.  I want mom's cooking, and talking about just about damn near everything with my kid brother.

I transferred with the store I work for, so I don't have to look for a job.  Not yet anyway.  My GM in Gulfport went through a lot of trouble to make sure I had a job when I came out here.  It would seem very ungrateful of me to hurry up and find something else.

All that being said, I didn't come 8 frigging hours from home to just stay in retail.  Honestly and truly, the whole point of coming out here is for better work.  Period.

I have a degree dammit!  But all that aside, I met a lot of the staff at my new work, and they seem great.  There's a full time position available too.  My line of thinking is this:  if I can nab that full time position, I'll stay through Christmas before looking for a new job.  If not, screw it, and keep looking now.

Does that make me sound petulant?  I don't want to be.  I do want to be able to afford to live on my own.  They have some great places out in Ennis.  I got lost yesterday looking.  It was fun.  Trust me.

So, here I am, exactly a week before turning 25, 8 hours from home living with my cousin and some of her people.

My quarter life crisis, y'all.

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