I know, I know, it's like I disappeared. I'm still here. I want to go back to myself.
The girl who was supposed to be a fantasy author.
The girl who could read 120+ books/year.
The girl who dreamt of other places other than her hometown.
The girl obsessed with the Celtic mythos.
I'm going to be 25 this year, and I feel like I have nothing to show for it.
I barely made reading challenge this year.
I didn't make an Easter post--hard to when I've mostly walked away from my faith. Although, I'm a little drunk right now, and I'll admit that tonight was the first time I've written in my prayer journal since January.
I want to write again.
I want to read again.
I want to leave Mississippi--even if I don't know where that'll be.
I want something, anything different.
My complacency, I think, has been slowly killing me.
I want to get back to myself. I wasn't always this way. And I don't want to be this way.
I have written a little bit, but there's more to add to that.