
Friday, August 5, 2011

I'll Take Bets

I went through the books I have bookmarked last night.  The earliest I had started in 2004.

Six of them, because I wasn't that far into them, went back on the TBR shelf.  I decided to get rid of two.  Not including Jane Eyre*, I still have three books that I started this year, five that are nonfiction,** two story collections,^ and eleven novels that I started anywhere from last year all the way back to 2004.

Why am I saying this?

I want to finish reading all of them before I start another book.^^  I'm eleven books ahead on my reading challenge for the year, so now would be the time for a Mass Finishing of Never-Finished Books.

Can I do it?  Will I wimp out and start The El Dorado Adventure?  Stay tuned!

* I'm reading it as an ebook
** 6 nonfiction books if you count the Bible
^One of them, I started reading this year.  The other one I started in my junior year of high school.
^^Or at least most of them, but I'd like to read them all.

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